HCC®℠ / SAP® ERP for Business-, Process-, Strategy- Consulting!

- International Consulting Services HCC®℠ (S1) to (S5) Coaching, Training -

 - HCC®℠ Enterprise Consulting Group IHK

   IP / AI / KI / Cloud / Energy / IMSYS / Retail / Banking / Logistics / Metavers     

More Value for your Business!

         HCC®℠ your Business & Process Integrator!

Why you should choose the payable HCC®℠ Consulting Services (S1) to (S5) & BP (A/O/I)

of the HCC®℠ Enterprise Consulting Group International IHK !

 -   Whole Service Cycle of Business, Process, Strategy & SAP®/ ERP Consulting -

- Follow the Professionals! -

Make more Value with HCC®℠ Consulting Services (S1) to (S5) & BP (A/O/I) for your Business!

Mr. Hugenbruch is CEO and Enterprise Consultant and has been certified SAP® FI/Co. since 2002 and SAP® NW'04 BI since 2006 also certifies SAP® IS - U, and certified SAP® BI / BW - APD & DM,  PMO - Project Management & Organisation, RM - Ressource Management, Info Cube, DWH

SAP® Fraud Risk Management, Detection and Prevention & Business Integrity, SAP®, R / 2®, R / 3®, RIVA®, ABAP®, SAPAccess®, SAP Office®, SAPMail®, SAP® S4 HANA, Build Plattform, Build Code, GPT-4-, Github Copilot, Chat GPT, SAP®BAdI,SAP-EDI®, SAP Business  Workflow®, SAP EarlyWatch®, SAP ArchiveLink®, R / 3 Retail®, FIORI®, HANA®, SAP® DBA,SAP® C/4 U, SAP® S/4 Utilities, Smart Meter Integretion, WIM, SAP® (GRC) Governance, Risk, Compliance, SAP®  Fraud Detection, Prevention SAP® Hydrogen Energy, SAP® Business Objects SAP® HANA Cloud, SAP® BTP are registered trademarks of SAP AG. DHL® ZORA a Software of DP DHL Group. KI; Chat GPT; Diehl Metering, IZAR IoT Gateway, IZAR Plus Gateway, Amazon Cloud (AWS), Microsoft Cloud Azure, ALIBABA Cloud, Open GTP® & OpenAI® OpCo, LLC. are a registradet Non Profit Organisation and Owner of this brand & Services, Google Cloud® (GCP) are registrated Trade Marks. We deliver payable Consulting Services* to you! See: HCC®℠ (S1) - (S 5). SAP® Service Delivery! S/4HANA Greenfield & Brownfield Implementation. If you hase a contract with one of the Licensed Company's you use the brand HCC®℠ automatically and you has to accept Prices and Conditions of the Licensed Company's and of the Owner oft this Brand Mr. Hugenbruch. It is prohibited to use the Brand for commercial Purposes. You has to pay a Fee & Indemnity to the Owner oft this brand and / or the licensed Company. The Company Diehl Metering GmbH® is the Owner of his brands IZAR® and HYDRUS®, PROLOGA© GmbH & SAP®  Intelligent Meter & Smart Meter Roll Out.

Wenn Sie gegen die Markenschutzrechte des bzw. der lizensierten Besitzer & Eigentümer verstoßen sind Sie Schadensersatzpflichtig!

Siehe geistige oder gewerbliche Schutzrechte (Intellectual Property – IP) z. B. BGB § 339 ff Ergänzende, additional, Konventionalstrafe, Contractual penalty 180 PT or 20 % of the Contract additional, Tagessatz, daily rate. MarkenG § 143, § 4, § 19 ff, § 14 Abs. 6, § 30 Abs. 2 MarkenG, Art. 9 UMV  (EU-Recht). You accept fee, prices & conditions of the HCC®℠ Consulting Company r. C. IHK & HCC®℠ Project UG mbH & HCC®℠ Consulting Group IHK & AHK. Delivery of Services* only! No people Delivery! Liability & Disclaimer of Warranties by the the HCC®℠ Consulting Company r. C. IHK & HCC®℠ Project GmbH & HCC®℠ Consulting Group, HCC®℠ Consulting Company r. C. IHK is a registrated Service Mark by the German DPMA Zweibrückenstraße 12, 80331 München.

                                      HCC®℠ Consulting Group IHK & SAP® & HCC®℠ ERP

Scope of our HCC®℠ Services (S1) - (S5) Business - Business-/ Prozess- / Strategie- / SAP®/ERP Consulting & Business Process BP (A/O/I):

  - (BPA) Business Process Analysis,

  - (BPO) Business Process Optimis-

  - ation

  - (BPI) Business Process Integration

Lösungs- & Beratungsansätze:

I) Optimierung & Re-View des Geschäftsmodells & Business Scope, Wertschöpfungskette, Ertragspotential Analyse, Projekt Controlling, in Time & in Budget, Ist Konzept & Modell

II) Optimierung & Review der ERP - Landschaft und des DWH Data Ware-house, Front- to the Backend Inte-gration & Layer Architecture

III) Anpassung der ERP Landschaft an das Geschäftsmodell & der Business Requirements, Szenarien, Soll Konzept Modell Implementierung, Abnahme


Energie / Retail / Finance & Banking / Logistik / Immobilien Management etc.


Cloud-Computing, IP-Network, KI, Meataverse, WEB 3.0, Info Cube, Info Provider, Multi Provider, Info Set, Business Object, BABOK V3®, Business Analyses,  Body of Knowledge, IREB®, International Requirements Engineering Boards inkl. BA, BP, BM, Req. Life Cycle Manage-ment, Strategy & Req. Analyses, Collaboration, Value Chain & Wertschöpfungskette, Beschaf-fungsmarkt bis hin zum Absatzmarkt.


Business-, Prozess-, Strategieberatung,

BPA/O/I, Busines Process Optimazation, Integration.

Out-Sourcing, Liniengeschäft, Orga - Struktur, IFSR, US-GAAP, KPI, APM, ESEF, Accounting Reporting, Rechtskreis, KontenPlan, Rahmen, KLR & Kosten- & Leistungsrechnung, Kostenstellen-, Trägerrechnung, Handelskalkulation,

Preis- & Sortimentspolitik, Produkt- & Dienstleistungsportfolio, Beschaffungs- und Absatzmarkt, BWA, Betriebs-wirtschaftliche Auswertung,

Offenmarkt Politik, Giralgeld-, schöpfung, Instant Payment System, Interbankenhandel,

Devisen & Derivatehandel, EZB, SEPA, European Payment System, Real time, Cross Setlement, E-Payment, Mobile Payment, Cash & Liquiditätsplanung,

PMO, in Time & in Budget, TCO Total Cost of Owernership, RoI Return on Investment, KPI Key Performance Indicators, Oracle© Integration Server

Available payable Classes of HCC®℠

Services (S1) to (S5) & Consulting Fee:

Delivery of payable Services* for you!

By the HCC®℠ Enterprise Consulting & Project UG & HCC®℠ Enterprise Consulting Group International IHK!

- HCC®℠ (S 1) SAP® / ERP Consulting
- HCC®℠ (S 2) Business Consulting
- HCC®℠ (S 3) Prozess Consulting 
- HCC®℠ (S 4) Strategie Consulting

- HCC®℠ (S 5) Coaching, Training,     Lecture
- Expenses & preparation time added

- Standby time added

- NEW SAP® Fraud Risk Management

  SAP® (GRC)  - Governance, Risk,


HCC®℠ Coaching & Training:

Coaching Ansätze:

- Direktiv

- Situativ

- Laisser-faire

- nicht Direktiv*

* Grow-Modell:

- Goal & Zielsetzung

- Reality & Realitätsprüfung

- Options (Optionen)

- Will (Willenskraft)

EQ - Emotionale Intelligenz:

- Selbstreflexion

- Selbstkontrolle

- Motivation

- Empathie

- Soziale Kompetenz


Methoden Übersicht:

- Vier Stufen Methode

- Leittextmethode

- Lehrgespräch

- Projekt Methode

- Vortrag

- Diskussion

- Rollenspiel

- Fall Methode

KI - Künstliche Intelligenz:

- KI - Relations Manager

- KI - Rainmaker

- KI - Ingenieur

- KI - Evangelist

- KI - Ethiker

Key facts:

- Growth Mindset

- Kultur des Lernens

- Coaching Dialog

- Solve Problems

- Kontinuierlich lernen & optimieren 

- Denk- & Handlungsmuster

- Selbstmanagement

- Limbische System

- Neokortex

- Coach & Coachee

- Leadership Training, Coaching

New! Working Spaces & Co. Working! 

Flex & Fix to Rent for Business Company's Freelancer & Students!

Near by Düsseldorf, Ratingen*

Glasfaser FTTH bis zu 10 GB Up &

Down Load, 5 stat. IP Adressen


- Work Spaces, flex desk 200 €

- fix Desk, Office 300 € / 400 €

- Conference Room's 200 €

- Singel User Places , fix & flex

- Singel, Double Office 400 € / 800 €

- Serviced Office: Postal, Tel., Drinks   

- Cleaning

- Remote Study

- Remote Shooling

HCC®℠ Group and Copy©Right:

Copy© Right § 10 1, 3 Urhg and

by the HCC®℠ Enterprise Consulting Company r. C. IHK & HCC®℠ Consulting Group International IHK
are a
registrated Service Mark and Company by the German DPMA

Zweibrückenstraße 12,

80331 München.

For more HCC®℠ Information:

Phone: +49 (0)2922– 950 924 3

Fax.: +49 (0)2922 - 950 924 2

Mobil: +49 (0)163 - 401 738 0

Mail: contact@hcc-consulting-sap.com

Web: www.hcc-consulting-sap.com

HCC®℠ Consulting Group IHK & SAP® & HCC®℠ ERP

Stichwörter & Aufgaben:

Analyse & Optimierung der ERP - Landschaft sowie Integration der Geschäftsprozesse. 

Fach-, IT Konzept erstellen, Smart Meter Roll - Out, Smart Grid, HAN, LMW, CLS, WAN, SMG, iMSys, C/Sells, GDEW, TAF, SMGW, mME, MDUS, Chat GPT, GPT -4-, Build Code, Build Plattform, Git Hub Copilot, S/4 Hana, PMO, WIM, Smart Meter, GRID, iMSys, OBIS, IM4G, Integration, Netzplantechnik, ER- Modell, ESOA, Projektmanagement, Arbeitspakete, Geräte- & lieferantenwechsel,

Organigramm, Work flow, Mile Stone, Order to Cash Process, Supply Chain, LSMW, LO - Cockpit, Cross - Docking, Flow - Through, GPKE, GeLI - Gas, Up - Stream, Down - Stream, EDIFACT, SAP IS-U House, Info Area, Info Provider, Data Center, Profit Center, ITSM, BackUp, Restore, IMG, Business Objects, PLM, Atlassian Jira / Conflue-nce, End to End Proces, ETL, DTP, ERM, HEC, Cloud Computing, Info Cube, SAP DWH, Projekt Lenkungsausschuß, Multi Provider,NAS, Layer Architecture, SAP Road Map, e DWH, IP Computing, L. o. B. Lines of Business, Layer Architecture, VPN, Framework, NAS, Data & Open Hub, Data Staging, GPKE,  EDIFACT, Smart Meter, Modelling, Architecture, Back- to Front End, Road Map, Project Management, Project Controling, Profit Center Rechnung, LES Logistic Executive System,KPI, PMO, BWL, Marketing, Business Function, IMG, Switch Frame-work, SCRUM, GAP, Multi Provider, rIC, DSO, ODS, Info Set, NAS, Storage Comp., Cloud Computing, HEC, Line Item Dimension,  Merkmal, SAP BPS, Dash Board Builder, PoC, Info Cube, Source, Data Source, Open HuB, SDK, Client Server, CS, NAS, HEC, PI, DI, Network Architecture, HANA Cloud, BTP Web Services, HUB, Cut Over Planung, Migration Cockpit, Monitoring, FIORI Apps., Principle of One, MRO, Solution Manager, LSMW, IoT, Info Cube, IDE, IDEX-GE, Carve Out, EWM, IDM, RFID, STS, Cross Docking, Flow Through, Rollen basiertes HCM & Lager Logistik, TCO, Projekt Lenkungsausschuß, Suplier, SD, Inventur, Real time pricing, Order to Cash, S4HANA, Fiori, Mind Map, Organigram, MeterData &, Master Data Management, TRM, Requierments Definition, Interface, Customizing, Info Provider, IP - Network, Event-, Ereignis-steuerung, HANA Cloud Computing, HEC, Multi Cube, Business Functions, SAP IS-U Haus, Smart Grid, Smart Meter, EDIFACT, Wasserfall Model, ADMS, DERMS,MWFM; CIM, IEC; GIS, IMG, Road MAP, VB, SQL, HTML, ABAP, Development, ERP Landscape, UAT User Accept Testing, SAP Design Model:

Discover, Design, Deliver, Project Com-mittee,  Customizing, ETL, DTP, SAP IM4G, Project Objectives, Rquirements,

Create Test Cases, Cut Over Plan,

Supply Chain, Data Staging, Migration,  SAP Replication Server, Multi Cube, ODS, Query Designer, Profit Center,

POS Anbindung, SAP Retail, EDM, EDR,

Fahrplan, Lastgang, IS - U, DHL®  ZORA, e - Billing, e - Commerce, e - tailors, e - Shipping, DHL®  - Supply Chain, BIG Data Logistics, DHL®  Track & Trace, MarKo, DHL® Delivery Monitor, DHL® STS Status Tracking, ABAP STACK, JAVA STACK, Layer Architecture, Interface Development, Migration, MDM Master

Data Mangement, IP - Internet Protocol Infrastructre, ZORA®  - „Zukunfts-orientierte Retail Anwendung“,  MDE -

Mobile Daten Erfassung, Backup, WAS,

Web Application Server, Methoden-

kpmpetenz, ODBC Data Base, SAP HANA-Driven Apps with Active Query Builder, SQL Interface builder, Event - Konzept, ESOA, Ereignissteuerung, SWOT Analyse, SCRUM, KANBAN Methode, SAP IS-U Haus, KLR Kosten & Leistungsrechnung, Investitions-rechnung, TCO, Kostenstellen- & Trägerrechnung, Monitoring, KPI, QM, Online Storage,Track & Trache Supply Chain, SAN & NAS, ITIL cert., Service Level Agreement, VOFI, Vollständige Finanzplanung, SAFe® Scaled Agile Frame-Work by Scaled Agile  Inc., Confluence & El Jira® Atlassian Software ein Fehler-, Aufgaben- und Qualitätsmanagement SW, EPS, Development Workbench, Customizing, MTP, Agile Methoden, Incident, Greenfield, Brownfiel, Selected Data, SAP FIORI, SAP S4 HANA, IMG, Migration, MDUS & AMI Web Services


On-Premise-SAP, SAP Fiori Rollen, VDM

Virtuelles Daten Modell, Applikations-entwicklung (Variantenprogramme),
EEG, KWKG, Basel III, Advanced Integration Monitoring Application,•    Process Integration Monitor, Cloud Monitor, E2E Monitor, Data Replication Monitor,SLT data, CFin Data, IDoc, BDoc, sREC, tREC, RUM, AIM,BAdIs, On Promise System, SAP Router String,

Side by Side Installation, Marktrollen,

Sparten,WiM, Wechselprozesse, ENWG,

Interfaces, Smart Grid , Meter, ZP, DSZ,

Smart Meter Backen Integration, SWIFT


Manufacturing Execution System (MES)  MESA-11-Modell & ISA-95, SaaS, IoT, WIM, (mMe) moderne Messstellen-einrichtung, (iMsys) intelligente Mess-systeme, S4 HANA Work Bench,

(SMGw) Smart - Meter - Gateway, (gMSB) grundzuständiger Messstellen-

betreiber, (wMSB) wettbewerlicher Messstellenbetreiber, (eLi) elektron-ischer Lieferschein, KI, MDL, MSB, ESP,

Einspeiser Punkte, VPN, HUB, LWL,

Cloud Computing, KVP kontinuierlicher

Verbesserungsprozess, Multi Channel Marketing, Wasserstoff, ESOA, SAP® Hydrogen Energy Hub, BTP,HANA Cloud

Integration Services, HEC, IaaS, BaaS, FaaS, SaaS, PaaS, Fünf Phasenmodel,

Cloud Transportmanagement, SAP PI,

Process Integration, DI Data Integration

SAP Cloud Integration Suite, Extension Suite, MTA, API, PRICAT, EEG-Stamm-datenregisters, Tarifierung, SAP BC, Business Content, Info Area, Drill Down,

Systemumgebung, Test-, Entwicklung-, Backup-, Produktiv System, NIS2, Net-

work Information Security, CER, Critical

Entities Directive, CRA, Cyber Resilience

Act, SAP Securitiy Patch Day, Entso E, Übertragungsnetzbetreiber, (UKV) Umsatzkostenverfahren, ERP-Rollout Future Finance, SAP® ONE Finance, interne Zinsfußmethode & i Rendite,

Abschluss IHK, Industrie und Handelskammer:

- Unternehmensberater IHK
- Instructor Lecturer IHK
- Trainer Lecturer IHK
- Information Technology IHK

- Merchant IHK

- English & Business English IHK

- Espanol Degree

Certifications & Degree of SAP®/ERP:

- SAP® Net/Weaver Land Scape

- SAP® FI/Co.

- SAP® Utilities


- SAP® LO/LES & Supply Chain

- all Net/Weaver Application's

Study of Business Informatics &

National Business

HCC®℠ Consulting Group IHK & SAP® & HCC®℠ ERP                   

Honorar & Konditionen AGB & GB:

                                                                    Das Honorar, Fee & die Honorar Vereinbarung § 305 BGB der HCC®℠-
Consulting Group IHK & HCC®℠  Enterprise Consulting & Project Ltd.:

Orientiert sich an denen der http://www.bdu.de, Bund deutscher Unternehmensberater & Berufsverband für Training, Beratung und Coaching:




BDVT e. V. Berufsverband für Trainer, Berater, Coaches www.bdvt.de, www.business-tainer.at, Ernst & Young Global Limited, Deloitte GmbH und vergleichbarer Honorarordnungen & Gebührensätze sowie nach BGB, HGB so

z. B. Maklerhonorar & Gebühr,  BetrRG.

Es gilt Vertrauensarbeitszeit, Servicezeit,

Pauschal-, Festes Honorar, Flat Fee & Spesen, Haftungsausschluss & Gewähr-leistungsausschluss der HCC®℠ Unter-nehmensberatung & HCC®℠ Project UG HCC®℠ Consulting Group Member's

USt Gesetz § 611 BGB, § 339 ff Konven-tionalstrafe 180 PT or 20 % additional to the Project Contract, Tagessatz etc.
USt. ID.: DE280002661

HRB: 101582 & IHK Nr.: 670151

You accept the HCC®℠ Services (S1) to (S5), fee, prices §§ 305, 339 ff BGB, MarkenG § 4, § 14 (6), § 19, § 143 and Conditions of the

HCC®℠ - Enterprise Consulting Group International AHK.

They are obligatory for you!

Prices and Contracts of Suppliers and USP's and second, third party's are and will be not accepted!

Place of Law & Court: 59494 Soest & 40883 Ratingen

Gerichtsstand: 59494 Soest / 40883 Ratingen Germany

Es gelten die Honorare & Konditionen der HCC®℠  Consulting Group IHK:

Nach BGB §§ 611, 305, EKST § 18, HGB

MarkenG § 4, § 14 a, b, § 19 ff & § 143
Es sind nur / only Services, Dienstleistungen HCC®℠ (S1) - (S5) erwerbbar, available!

Preisen & Konditionen Zweiter & Dritter wird widersprochen!
No People Delivery!

No Delivery of Ressources! Only payable HCC®℠ Services (S1) to (S5) will be delivered!

Remote: 200 TEUR net. to 350 TEUR net.

Onside: 230 TEUR net. to 380 TEUR net.

Depends on Service: (S1) - (S5) § 305 BGB

Per month*. Fee subject to change.*

Per day*10,0 TEUR, 12.5/15/17.5 TEUR*

Coaching / Schulung 20 TEUR net. to 50 TEUR p. d. Depends on Service!

More difficult and no Standard Projects will be Minimum one Level more expansive for you!

Verzugszinsen & Zahlungsverzug:

Es gilt ein Verzugszins von 9% über den Basiszinssatz der Dt. Bundesbank.

§ 352 BGB, § 288 Abs. 1 BGB, § 271a BGB, § 308 Nr. 1a BGB, § 286 Abs. 5 BGB,

§ 288 Abs. 6.2 BGB etc.

UStG / VAT: §13b, § 19 & § 4
VAT / EU: Art.: 217 - 240
DSGVO Art 1 Abs.: 6; Art.: 21
EU - DSGVO Art. 13 & Art. 6 Abs. 1b
Fee & Conditions are Part of the Contract of Service HCC®℠ (S1) - (S5)
Direct Consulting (1:1) & Direct Delivery (1:1) No Supplier & No People Contract!

No functional Contracts! Only Company 

Service Contract's HCC®℠  (S1) to (S5)

HCC®℠ Enterprise Consulting & Project UG & HCC®℠ Group Members § 398 BGB!

Vertrag zwichen Ihrem Unternehmen als Kunde & Autraggeber und der HCC®℠ Consulting Group IHK:

I) You agree to the prices and fee, flat fee and conditions at first!

See: (POA) Power of Attorney Right

for HCC®℠ Group Members & Confirmation E -Mail. Non SAP Solutions and more difficult Jobs will be one Service Level - more expansive - for you!

II) You need a Customer Account by the HCC®℠ Enterprise Consulting & Project UG & HCC®℠ Consulting Group

International IHK!

III) You will have a detailed Contract for your Company. Payable HCC®℠ Services (S1) - (S5).

SAP®/ERP Certification & Qualifications:

- SAP® NW'04 BI

- SAP® BI - BW

- SAP® BTP & DI & PI, Cloud Integration

- SAP® HANA Cloud


- SAP® FI/Co. & FI/CA


- SAP® FSCM Dispute Management



- SAP® FS-BA / Bank Analyzer


- SAP® IS-U, SAP S/4 HANA Utilities

- SAP® EDN Lieferschein


- SAP® C4/U



- SAP® SolMan

- SAP® MOS Billing




- SAP® GRC by Partner

- SAP® S/4HANA Utilities (On-Premise) 

- SAP® C4U (SAP Cloud for Utilities)

- SAP® On-Premise-SAP-ECC


- SAP® HANA Cloud

- NW Net Weaver Applicaton Server

- All SAP® ERP NetWeaver Landscape

- Applications

- GPKE & GeLiGas

SAP® IS-U inkl. GPKE - Geschäfts-prozesse zur Kundenbelieferung mit Elektrizität & GeLi Gas - Geschäftsprozesse, Lieferanten-wechsel ,Gas, Smart Grid, Smart Meter, Netzentgeltabrechnung, Brennstoffzellen Stacks, PEMFC-Module, EKPO Fuel Cell Integration

 HCC®℠ Group Business Scope               BP (A/O/I) & HCC®℠ (S1) to (S5):   

- Marketing

- Financial

- Controlling

- Potential Analyse

- KLR, Kosten & Leistungsrechnung

- Projektmanagement

- Projekt Controlling

- Work Shops & Schulung

- Investitionsrechnung

- Profit Center Rechnung

- Human Resources

- Supply Chain

- Sales & Delivery

- Retail & POS

- Billing, Invoicing


- Banking, Stock, Exchange

- Derivate, Bond Markets

- Einkauf

Projektmanagement & Canvas:

- Agiles Projektmanagement



- Prince II

- Scaled Agile Framework

- Canvas (Fund., Pers., Entst.)

- Zweck

- Fundament

- Personen

- Sposor

- Stakeholder

- Ressourcen

- Entstehung

- Ergebnisse

- Planung

- Veränderung

          - HCC®℠ Analyse & Optimierung -                                Ihrer Geschäftsprozesse sowie passgenaue Integration in Ihre HCC®℠ / SAP® ERP Landschaft!

Wir finden die richtige Technologie für Ihr Unternehmen!

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